Thursday, March 24, 2016

It's been an extremely long time since I have felt this compelled to rant on a blog post. However the hate and anger cannot be contained within the limits of my body. Maybe one day I will look over this blog as a silly teenage diary but for now it's the only way to divert my negativity, my anger, my rage. 

As a person, we may have been to accustomed to the comforts of life; being provided for, having a suitable or even exceeding environment to study in. Wouldn't it be peculiar that some of us become increasingly complacent about the treacheries of life, the unfortunate reality that we aren't children anymore, the unnerving fact that we would have to put in effort to support ourselves or even our parents? The hard truth hits us all. What have we been doing as people, as daughters and sons, as parents, as guardians as sisters and brothers and as friends - are we ruining our interpersonal relationships? 

One cannot afford to selfishly think about prolonging our own comforts by sacrificing the happiness and leeching off the efforts of another. That would be despicably lazy and arrogant. Yet how is it that some people act as though the world belongs to them - they create a throne out of self-obligation and indulge themselves in the toxic notion that everyone is the individual, we seek to provide comforts to ourselves and nothing more. This is why kind and selfless people have my utmost respect. You have looked around, perhaps to cite and example, you have seen your neighbour's plate and asked if he had enough, not at another's and complained why you do not have as much. The focus should never be on self but on the greater community. 

However, compassion and empathy starts from the self. Is the being "I" truly more important than the entirety of the world? Or is it just a false misconception. What is this "I" that everyone is trying to protect and satisfy? Once the mystery has been unravelled, is it not easy to see how silly and misguided we have been all the time? Can we then give others unconditional love and boundless joy?

So then my question to you girl - How have you grown to become such a monster, thriving off the frivolous beliefs in your mind and ruining yourself to this "I" that you see so all important?