Wednesday, July 29, 2009
CCA suckzz
Hey im definitely not liking my CCA. I mean like… I was actually rather kinda forced into tare but if I went on my own free will den its my fault isn’t it??? So I still hate de damn ting coz I tink de instructer well… got a bit wishy washy and cant decide ony using superficial tings to make us happy im tinking of joining infocomm club coz I was sorta attracted to com tings in de first place hahas okayy tat was retarded… but den again, hu freakin cares!!! Lolz :D
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
whoa im so dreading 2day... again! :D
OMG i totally hate 2day almost every on e inoe forced me to go to my dreaded CCA which i so hate its kinda crappy u noe de name coz its Anklung and de teacher like got prob 1!? so as i was sayin i so escaped. teehee and 2day was a pretty good day too u noe coz P.E ony have 2 components coza nafar ooo im in heaven harharhar ok so tats about all coz tares nothin 2 do i still had to buy a vangard sheet 4 my projec and i looked like a retard when i was walkin home sway much!!! some more still bump inta my sis' retarded fren i mean like he looks like a total idiot yet hes ony p4 i pity him... haha lol
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
running like hell
hmm its such a hectic day 2day have 2 run like so much rounds on my school track 2day. first it was around 6++ when i run 8 rounds den i run 12 rounds around de track again at 8++ ony about 1 hour rest b4 i ran u noe how xian or not make me wanna die lar somemore still got sit up i do about 21 coz dis area i very how to put it umm no talent lar... yea no talent! still have 2 do inclined pull up hu cares if i didnt do it properly!? it wont cost my life rite!!! well 2day was a total disaster and 2morro and thurs coz i still have ta freakin run how unlucky is tat evryday like tat sure collapse 1 lar!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
half blood prince
OMG i so totally 4got tat i had 2 post sth about harry potter and the half blood prince yesterday coz i was so caught up in manga tat i count even rmb sth important like tat oh i feel like a loser rite now! i was sad cass count make it dough it was coz shwetha didnt noe cass was comin mabb she 4got or cass nvr told her or sth but arr well its over ready lar rite? but de plot is quite simple actually... its jus tat harry founded out a book belonging to a person hu turned out 2 b de half blood prince n tat he was following de instuctions of de book on how 2 make potions n stuff perfectly and den de half blood prince turned out 2 b snape appearing 2 help de dark side but was actually a gd guy n de story didnt say much about finding de prince its more like finding sth tat voldemort splitted his soul into and den dumbledore died coz he wass on his way back frm a wasted trip to find de sth tat voldemort splitted his soul 2 n apparently someone else already took it. den wen he returned, some evil guys found him and snape appeared so dumbledore begged snape 2 kill him so tat de baddies wount get suspicious den harry uses a half blood prince spell ony 2 find snape is de half blood prince which is so damn short de realisation part not as dramatic as expected. and den along de way malfoy sorta became a cowardly evil guy although he aready was but i still tink de half blood prince is too cool a name for a guy as retarded lookin as snape. i mean WTF!? ok so its sth like tat along de way potter n genie wateva n ron n hermoine too and de other girl hu like ron is so totally bimbotic and has seriously no taste... hahas
Saturday, July 18, 2009
whoa its finally time to go! 2 bad i dun have free time to do wateva i want coz bein a student is wat takes time from me. Its so troublesome i wish i coud fade away in despair, gloom and darkness. oh and 2day is de second time i eva watched a movie wif my frens wat a baby i am. I shoud reli learn to go out wif pple more arr but 2 bad 4 me ill jus fade away in my borin life and find more manga to read and more anime 2 watch. i hope de harry potter book "the deathly hallow" will b made inta a movie soon den i can go watch ooo wout tat b cool? yea sure b ok i gotta stop talkin 2 mysel and go cant keep my frens waitin!
Friday, July 17, 2009
yay its finally the friday and 2morro im goin ta watch a movie wif my frens! its "harry potter and the half blood prince". ooo i hope its gonna be an exciting movie coz de others were all pretty good as well like "the prisoner of azkaban" which was when harry finally realised tat he had an uncle plus tat freaky woman de so called fortune teller teacher wif freaky predictions haha and she dresses wierd too but hey hu freakin cares! ooo did i jus type freakin??? oh no i typed it again ok ill cut de retarded crap hahas! smilezzz every1!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
music ups and downs
well just listened to emilie autumn, nightwish and MCR wow tats so emo rite? hahas tats jus my style wow im so rushing. anyways i love their songs especially welcome to the black parade, dead is the new alive remix and bye bye beautiful. i feel so energised jus listening to all those cool songs well it should be better than listening to the children's bop, puberty bop and speech imperdiment stuttering bop rite no one will wanna buy something tat horrible 4 $42.99 hahas ooh y am i laughing so much... arr well hu cares!
ooh tis is my first time

haiz well since 2day is my first time blogging im such a noob but oh well at least im not retarded ok tat was so lame but hahas anyway oh freak y mus school b invented it would b so much better to stay at home and party ooo im gettin so damn frustrated yea so tis is all i hv ta say coz im such a lamo so much tat its freaky ok well bye!
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